Three Pillars

Agriculture Program

We believe that agriculture is the fabric of rural society and main source of economic activity.  Our agriculture program is designed to help provide education on the importance of preservation of land for farming, education on cooperatives and the formation of cooperative, encourage community members to protect our natural environment and identify and create market opportunities for farmers to sell their products to support the local economy and most importantly to increase access to healthy local foods and to assist farmers with farming tools. We also endeavor to design and develop nursery sites for growing different types of crops and for practical training purposes.

Education Program

We believe that education is one of the important factors in building a vibrant and progressive community. Our educational program is designed to create an enabling environment that has the potential to crease access to educational opportunities. We endeavor to provide scholarships and financial aids to deserving students, engage in construction and renovation of schools, and identification of resources for teachers’ workshops or trainings to improve teachers teaching skills, provision of educational resources such as text and exercise books, pens and pencils, computer technology and other learning support materials that have the potential to improve the learning environment.

Healthcare Program

We believe that community members should be healthy to engage in educational, agricultural, and other associated activities within the community as such, our health care program is designed to help provide quality health care that focuses on prevention and improvement of quality of life. We endeavor to provide health care education, design and development of mobile clinics and pharmacies management programs, training of nurses or health care professionals to help support and manage the medical activities, construction or renovation of health posts or clinics, identification of available medical resources and acquisition of the resources, and establishment of health outreach programs.

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”

Anne Frank