The development of any nation to a large extent hinges on the education of its citizens- in that an educated citizenry enable the government to provide quality basic social services for the good and happiness of its citizens.

Besides the government, the citizens have a responsibility to attend to their own basic needs as a complementary effort to government. In this connection, community – based organizations in most instances complement the effort of government by engaging in self-help initiatives aimed at improving the living condition of community members and nation building.

Accordingly, the United Sarpo Association in the Americas (USAA) in its quest to community development through education, has embarked on the provision of financial assistance through a Scholarship Program to assist Sarpo citizens in Liberia to pursue studies in various academic disciplines aimed at providing the requisite trained and skilled manpower to enhance development in the Sarpo Community in particular and Liberia in general.

It is expected that beneficiaries from USAA Scholarship will return to the Sarpo Community to serve for a specified period to help the community in its development activities.

To qualify for this Scholarship Program and in order to ensure transparency in the vetting process the following guidelines have been established.

The Applicant Must:

  1. Be a Sarpo Citizen –i.e., both or one of his/her parents is/are a Sarpo citizen.
  2. Have the desire/ambition to return to any Sarpo region in Sinoe County and Grand Gedeh County to work for a time as specified in the terms and condition of the Scholarship Program-3years.
  3. Submit a letter of Application to Scholarship Committee.
  4. Submit two letters of recommendation:
  5. One from tribal sectional chairperson in Monrovia or place of residence
  6. One from the chairperson of Sarpo Appoliebo in Monrovia or place of residence
  7. Present a letter of admission/re-admission from a recognized tertiary or professional institution.
  8. Present current grade sheet (if in school) with a GPA of 2.5 or above
  9. Present current grade sheet to the Scholarship Committee every semester
  10. Obtain and maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 and above